Running GoCD server via zip without installation

If you want to run GoCD on a platform which does not have a native installer or want to run GoCD without installing it, you could do so by using the zip installers.

  • Download the zip installer for GoCD server
  • Unzip the installer in a folder of your choice. It creates a subfolder with the name go-server-${version}
  • Set java in path
    • If you are on a Windows system, set GO_SERVER_JAVA_HOME to the installation path of java on the system
    • If you are on a Unix system, set JAVA_HOME to the installation path of java on the system
  • Open a command prompt and go to the folder
  • Start the server
    • If you are on a Windows system, run start-server.bat
    • If you are on a Unix system, run (Ensure that is executable)

Copying existing config to a new GoCD Server instance

You can replicate a GoCD server with all the pipeline, stage, job, tasks and materials definitions/configuration intact.

To do this, the administrator should copy cruise-config.xml from the config directory to the new server and clear serverId attribute of server tag.

Note: Copying just the cruise-config.xml file will not migrate the historical pipeline data and artifacts. Please see the page on backing up the GoCD Server to fully migrate an existing GoCD server.

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