Running GoCD agent via zip without installation

If you want to run GoCD on a platform which does not have a native installer or want to run GoCD without installing it, you could do so by using the zip installers.

  • Download the zip installer for GoCD agent
  • Unzip the installer in a folder of your choice. It creates a subfolder with the name go-agent-${version}
  • Set java in path
    • If you are on a Windows system, set GO_AGENT_JAVA_HOME to the installation path of java on the system
    • If you are on a Unix system, set JAVA_HOME to the installation path of java on the system
  • Open a command prompt and go to the folder
  • Start the agent
    • If you are on a Windows system, run start-agent.bat
    • If you are on a Unix system, run (Ensure that is executable)

Note: You can override default environment for the GoCD agent by editing the file /etc/defaults/go-agent

GoCD agent, by default, will attempt to connect to the GoCD server running on the same system. If you want it to connect to a different GoCD server, set the environment variable GO_SERVER or edit the startup scripts suitably

Registering your agent with the server

For security reasons, all newly installed Go agents need to be enabled on the Go server before work is assigned to them. This prevents an unauthorized person from getting access to your source code. To enable a newly installed Go agent, do the following:

  1. Open the Go server dashboard
  2. Follow the instructions here to find the agent you've just installed on the list and add the agent to your cloud. The Go server will now schedule work for this agent.

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