Recipe 1.8 Integrate Slack with Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS)


You wish to post notifications from Visual Studio Team Services to a Slack channel.


  • Logon to your Slack team.

  • Click on the "Add an app or custom integration" link.

  • Search for the Visual Studio Team Services integration. And click the "Install" or "Add Configuration" button.

  • In your Visual Studio Team Services project settings, press the Service Hooks tab and then click the green + button to add a new service hook.

  • Select Slack from the list of services, and press the Next button.

  • On the Trigger screen, choose the event that you'd like to trigger the notification, and add any filters. Press the Next button to continue.

  • On the Action screen, add the Slack Webhook URL, the webhook is created by Slack e.g., and press Finish when you're done.


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