Recipe 1.5 Integrate Slack with PivotalTracker
You wish to post notifications from PivotalTracker to a Slack channel.
- Logon to your Slack team.
- Click on the "Add an app or custom integration" link.
Search for the PivotalTracker integration. And click the "Install" or "Add Configuration" button.
Select the channel that you wish the PivotalTracker notifications to be posted to and click the "Add PivotalTracker integration" button.
In your Pivotal Tracker project, choose the Project menu and the Configure Integrations option.
On that page, find the Activity Web Hook section. Add the Slack created Webhook, e.g.
, as your Web Hook URL. Ensure that the API Version is set to v5 and then click Save Web Hook Settings.Go back to the Integration Settings section of the Slack PivotalTracker integration page. Ensure that the Events you require notifications for are selected.
Once completed click the "Save Settings" button.