Recipe 1.7 Integrate Slack with Snap-CI
You wish to post notifications from Snap-CI to a Slack channel.
Navigate to the notifications configuration section from your project's build history page.
Snap will tell you that you haven't configured any Slack credentials. Click on the appropriate link to add them.
You will then be taken to a page to enter the relevant credentials and other information.
Save the configuration, and then enter the channel name that Snap should post to. Note that Snap will not create the channel and so the channel must exist to begin with.
Click on Save to start notifications.
You're done! Snap will notify you when important events, such as build failure, occur.
If you have entered the wrong Slack API key and need to delete it, first navigate to the settings page and click on 'Slack credentials' in the sidebar. Here you can delete the current API key, and replace it if needed.