Recipe 1.3 Integrate Slack with Docker Cloud/Hub


You wish to post notifications from Docker Cloud/Hub to a Slack channel.


Before you begin, make sure that you are signed into the Slack team that you want to show notifications in.

  1. Log in to the Docker account that owns the builds or nodes that you want to receive notifications about.
  2. Click Cloud Settings in the left hand navigation, and scroll down to the Notifications section.
  3. Click the plug icon next to Slack. The Docker Cloud page refreshes to show a Slack authorisation screen.
  4. On the page that appears, double check that you’re signed in to the correct Slack team (If necessary sign in to the correct one).
  5. Select the channel that will receive notifications.
  6. Click Authorise.
  7. Once you click Authorise, you should see a message in the Slack channel notifying you of the new integration.
  8. Once configured, choose a notification level:

    • Off Do not receive any notifications.
    • Only failures Only receive notifications about failed actions, containers that stop with a failed exit code, and nodes that become unreachable.
    • Everything Receive all of the above, plus notifications about successful actions.


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