CDP Cookbook
CDP Cookbook
Chapter 1 - Background
What Are the Benefits of a Continuous Delivery Platform?
What is Continuous Delivery?
Build Quality In
Work in Small Batches
Computers Perform Repetitive Tasks, People Solve Problems
Relentlessly Pursue Continuous Improvement
Everyone is Responsible
Configuration Management
Continuous Integration
Continuous Testing
The Deployment Pipeline
Patterns for Low-Risk Releases
Chapter 2 - Continuous Delivery Platform
Source Control Best Practice
GitFlow Workflow
What is the Continuous Delivery Platform Framework?
Continuous Delivery Workflow
Continuous Delivery the Gitflow way
Testing with Continuous Delivery
CDP Example Configurations
Chapter 3 - Recipes
Toolset Integration Recipes
Recipe 1.1 Integrate Slack with a GitHub repository
Recipe 1.2 Integrate Slack with a GitHub Enterprise Repository
Recipe 1.3 Integrate Slack with Docker Cloud\/Hub
Recipe 1.4 Integrate Slack with JIRA
Recipe 1.5 Integrate Slack with PivotalTracker
Recipe 1.6 Integrate Slack with Jenkins CI
Recipe 1.7 Integrate Slack with Snap-CI
Recipe 1.8 Integrate Slack with Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS)
Recipe 1.9 Integrate PivotalTracker with GitHub
Recipe 1.10 Integrate JIRA Cloud with GitHub
Recipe 1.11 Integrate SNAP-CI with GitHub
Recipe 1.12 Integrate Jenkins CI with GitHub
Recipe 1.13 Integrate Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) with GitHub using a User Account
Recipe 1.14 Integrate Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) with GitHub using a personal access token
Source Control
Recipe 2.1 Creating a feature branch
Recipe 2.2 Incorporating a finished feature on develop
Recipe 2.3 Creating a release branch
Recipe 2.4 Finishing a release branch
Recipe 2.5 Creating the hotfix branch
Recipe 2.6 Finishing a hotfix branch
Recipe 3.1 Installing Docker Engine
TODO Recipe 3.2 Deploying a Docker Container
Amazon Web Services (AWS) Recipes
Recipe 4.1 Manually Launching an EC2 Instance
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Chapter 1 - Background
Chapter 1 - Background
This chapter will background information about aspects of Continuous Delivery.
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