Continuous Integration

Combining the work of multiple developers is hard. Software systems are complex, and an apparently simple, self-contained change to a single file can easily have unintended consequences which compromise the correctness of the system. As a result, some teams have developers work isolated from each other on their own branches, both to keep develop stable, and to prevent them treading on each other’s toes.

However over time, these branches diverge from each other. While merging a single one of these branches into develop is not usually troublesome, the work required to integrate multiple long-lived branches into mainline is usually painful, requiring significant amounts of re-work as conflicting assumptions of developers are revealed and must be resolved.

Teams using long-lived branches often require code freezes, or even integration and stabilisation phases, as they work to integrate these branches prior to a release. Despite modern tooling, this process is still expensive and unpredictable. On teams larger than a few developers, the integration of multiple branches requires multiple rounds of regression testing and bug fixing to validate that the system will work as expected following these merges. This problem becomes exponentially more severe as team sizes grow, and as branches become more long-lived.

The practice of continuous integration was invented to address these problems. CI (continuous integration) follows the XP (extreme programming) principle that if something is painful, we should do it more often, and bring the pain forward. Thus in CI developers integrate all their work into trunk (also known as mainline or master) on a regular basis (at least daily). A set of automated tests is run both before and after the merge to validate that no regressions are introduced. If these automated tests fail, the team stops what they are doing and someone fixes the problem immediately.

Thus we ensure that the software is always in a working state, and that developer branches do not diverge significantly from trunk. The benefits of continuous integration are very significant—research shows that it leads to higher levels of throughput, more stable systems, and higher quality software. However the practice is still controversial, for two main reasons.

First, it requires developers to break up large features and other changes into smaller, more incremental steps that can be integrated into develop. This is a paradigm shift for developers who are not used to working in this way. It also takes longer to get large features completed. However in general we don’t want to optimise for the speed at which developers can declare their work “dev complete” on a branch. Rather, we want to be able to get changes reviewed, integrated, tested and deployed as fast as possible—and this process is an order of magnitude faster and cheaper when the changes are small and self-contained, and the branches they live on are short-lived. Working in small batches also ensures developers get regular feedback on the impact of their work on the system as a whole—from other developers, testers, customers, and automated performance and security tests—which in turn makes any problems easier to detect, triage, and fix.

Second, continuous integration requires a fast-running set of comprehensive automated unit tests. These tests should be comprehensive enough to give a good level of confidence that the software will work as expected, while also running in a few minutes or less. If the automated unit tests take longer to run, developers will not want to run them frequently, and they will become harder to maintain. Creating maintainable suites of automated unit tests is complex and is best done through test-driven development (TDD), in which developers write failing automated tests before they implement the code that makes the tests pass. TDD has several benefits, the most important of which is that it ensures developers write code that is modular and easy to test, reducing the maintenance cost of the resulting automated test suites. But TDD is still not sufficiently widely practiced.

Despite these barriers, helping software development teams implement continuous integration should be the number one priority for any organisation wanting to start the journey to continuous delivery. By creating rapid feedback loops and ensuring developers work in small batches, CI enables teams to build quality into their software, thus reducing the cost of ongoing software development, and increasing both the productivity of teams and the quality of the work they produce.

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